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Here are some of the talks Megan is frequently asked to give.

*She is happy to build talks around a particular theme or Scripture upon request.

Overjoyed: A Scriptural Journey through the Joyful Mysteries with Mary, Cause of our Joy  (all audiences)

She does not appear in all the luminous mysteries. You won't find her in all the sorrowful mysteries, nor does she appear in every glorious mystery, but Mary, Cause of Our Joy, appears in every joyful mystery. Why is Mary entitled Cause of our Joy? Megan will take you on the scriptural journey with Mary which will help you discover the profound depth of Our Lady’s role in your own personal search for joy!

You Are a Chosen People, A Royal Priesthood, and a Holy Nation. Now What? (Description coming soon!)


Megan's Conversion Story (all audiences, ages 12 and up)

Led down a path of darkness and unbelief in response to her father's alcohol addiction, Megan ultimately turned her back on God for the empty pleasures abounding in the permissive culture of theater and secular college life.  Megan shares her conversion from those empty promises and pleasures of the world to the splendor of the Church's truth, a truth which revealed to her that God could lift up to genuine joy even those who seem unlikely to ever find it.

Behold It Is Very Good: Intro to Theology of the Body (all audiences 12 and up)

Engaging John Paul the Great's masterpiece of thought, Theology of the Body, Megan teaches God's plan for life, love, marriage, and human sexuality.  Megan often gives this talk, or series of TOB talks for retreats, high school and university classes, and groups of engaged or married couples. It can be adapted for a variety of audiences.

The Transcendent Truth of Gender and Identity (Description coming soon!)


Thou Shalt Not...But I Want to (youth retreat) 

Being convinced that God's commands are nothing but a reprimand, many of our youth have fallen for the counterfeits of the culture.  This retreat turns the logic of the world inside out, revealing how the beauty of the Church's truth can transform their lives.  Through the lives of the saints, a closer look at the lies of our culture, and Megan's own personal witness, our youth are given an opportunity to see that it is truly possible to live a joyful life in Christ, even in the midst of suffering.

Fierce, Feminine Geniuses (women's conferences/retreats/all audiences. Description coming soon!)

Wonderful Old Testament Women...Who Point the Way to Mary (women's conferences/retreats/all audiences)

Pope St. John Paul II coined the phrase "feminine genius" to describe the mystery, dignity, beauty, receptivity, and self gift of authentic femininity.  But JPII wasn't the first to recognize this original version of femininity--it can be found in a number of Old Testament women who embodied it.  Megan will make you fall in love with the Jewish Biblical Beauties, Judith, Esther, & the woman from 2 Maccabees, while unfolding their feminine genius and their undeniable connection to the Most Blessed among Women, Mary the Mother of God.

Love is Patient  (young adult and adult audiences, engaged and married couples)

As a certified Natural Family Planning (N.F.P.) instructor teaching for over 20 years, Megan gives an overview of the Church's teaching on fertility awareness based methods (FABMs). In this talk, she confronts the lies of "reproductive freedom" and explains the science behind FABMs. Megan further explains how FABMs authentically fulfill the true freedom of God's Plan for our fertility, while promoting a natural, hormone free approach to women's physical and mental health. Her personal witness will surely surprise you!

Source and Summit... a talk on the Eucharist (Description coming soon!)


Bound and Loosed (all audiences)

Are you bound up in unforgiveness? Do you long to be loosed from bitterness? Are you still suffering from past wounds which obstruct your present desire for healing? With the help of Scripture, the wisdom of the Catechism, and the grace of Christ, you can learn how to let go of your resentments. During this talk, Megan accompanies you through this critical process, which leads to the authentic freedom found in forgiveness, and which opens up the door to the healing you've been longing for.

Peter, John, And Judas: Three Approaches to Christ's Passion (Description coming soon!)


Parenting in a Pornified World (audience: parents, youth ministers, teachers)

A teenager’s struggle to remain pure is made harder than ever by our hyper sexualized culture. As parents, we have a most influential role in keeping our kids free from pornography. In this talk, Megan will offer helpful advice to parents on how to more deeply love and embrace the unique unrepeatability of each child they’ve been blessed with, as well as what practical steps they can take to keep their teen porn free. An extended version of this talk includes an introduction to John Paul II’s Theology of the Body.

To book Megan Murphy for your next event, please contact Tracy Tully at or call 205-478-1837.


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