Watch Megan's interview on EWTN's
At Home with Jim & Joy show AND listen to her interview with Fr. Mark Mary, MFVA on his Power & Witness podcast!
Megan Murphy
is engaging audiences of all ages in the
New Evangelization.
At a variety of events for youth and adults, married and single, women and men, Megan presents the Gospel in a way that engages her audiences and challenges them to live for Christ and His Church. Megan's love for the Holy Trinity, our Blessed Mother, and the saints (particularly Pope Saint John Paul II) is communicated vividly through her passionate presentations. Megan will have you sitting on the edge of your seat as she shares, with humor and candor, her personal conversion story, her vast knowledge of Theology of the Body, and the lessons she has learned in her own pursuit of holiness. Please click here for a description of Megan's additional speaking topics.